Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cleaning my closet of sweet little Anthropologie outfits

If you are interested, you'll save me rom ebaying some of this cute stuff! It's all in wonderful condition.

Floreat Longwood Skirt in size 8, it is gorgeous and pleated cotton, sort of a hip Girl Scout look, I always got tons of complements but it's just a little too big for me. I think it was $120 new or something like that.

Fairy Cake Dress
Anthro Fairy Cake Dress by Floreat in size 8. It is adorable and I am seriously considering keeping this one, it has a blue cotton lining with crinoline underneath. I probably should sell it but I love it so, if you're interested, let me know! It was $158 new, I think.

All-Business Vest
Anthro by DBLA All-Business Vest in S, super cute and works with lots of stuff. Pin-striped and adorable asymmetric style, about $98 new.

Floreat Winston Skirt
Floreat Winston Skirt, size 8. This skirt is adorable but it's just a touch too big for me. The color is gorgeous and it has this awesome Peruvian-chic vibe. I am sad to sell it. It cost $120 new or something like that.

Smartly Striped SkirtSmartly Striped Skirt
Anthro Madchen Smartly Striped 100% silk skirt. I also love this skirt but it is too big for me (I lost about 10 lbs.) It is totally sexy librarian look and really versatile. $148 new.

All of this stuff is for sale, let me know if you're interested and we can work something out! I also love to trade and I have other stuff as well!


  1. Hi, I was interested in the Smartly Striped skirt.
    If it is still available contact me at


    Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
